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Innocurrent Review – High Paying PTC Site


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About Innocurrent

Innocurrent is a legit PTC site that pays you to surf websites, do simple tasks, and answer surveys. The site has survived the test of time and proven itself to be a stable paying website since 2009. The owner of the site is unknown and the site is using its own script and design.

Innocurrent is completely free for everyone who wants to join from every country. After 90 days of inactivity, an account will be considered as inactive and all Referrals and credit earnings will be permanently removed.

The minimum cash-out is currently $5.00 for and the payments are processed through Paypal.

How to earn money from Innocurrent

  • Browse websites

The main source of earning at Innocurrent is by browsing websites. The concept remains the same with the sister site Ayuwage and depending on the number of credits you are earning you have the following earning options:

1 credit  (0.0005$) –  View site


1. Visit the site and allow for the site to fully load completely.

3 credits (0.0015$) – Passive site


1. Visit the site and stay there for at least 20 seconds.

5 credits (0.0025$) – Standard site


1. Visit the site.
2. Stay on the website for 10 seconds.
3. You must click on one (1) Link/Banner/Contents that interests you.

15 credits (0.0075$) –  Focused site


1. Visit the site.
2. Stay on the website for  10 seconds.
3. You must click on one (1) advertisement that interests you.

6 credits (0.003$) – Seek Site 


1. Visit the website.
2. Make sure you are not on the home page, if you are on the home page, then navigate to any other page on the same site.
3. Come back to this page, then copy and paste the URL of the website you are directed to and continue to view the website.
4. Click on any link that goes to a page within the website, do not click on any link that goes to the homepage or outside of the site.
5. Copy and paste the internal website URL of the page that you clicked and continue to view the page for 10 seconds.
Note: DO NOT CLICK/USE social media share links, website footer/copyright links, or other non-ad banner info/help links.

30 credits (0.015$) – Explore site

1. Visit the website.
2. Make sure you are not on the home page, if you are on the home page, then navigate to any other page on the same site.
3. Come back to this page and copy and paste the URL of the website you are directed to and continue to view the website.
4. Click on any link that goes to a page within the website, do not click on any link that goes to the homepage or outside of the site.
5. Copy and paste the URL of the page that you clicked that was within the website and continue to view the page for 10 seconds.
6. Click an external page/banner/advertisements that lead you out of the site. Do not use a previously submitted (duplicate) external link.
Note: DO NOT CLICK/USE social media share links, website footer/copyright links, or other non-ad banner info/help links.
7. Copy and paste the external URL of the page that you redirected to and continue to view the website for 10 seconds again.

25 credits (0.0125) – Browse search site

1. Open a new tab or window in your browser.
2. Search for required keywords and click on specified site.
3. You must stay on the website for 10 seconds.
4. View and click contents that interest you.

Credits for live surf

View website contents and let the browser surf for you. You will be credit based on time surfing the website.

TIP: In order to earn more you should check the site many times for new earning opportunities as new sites are added throughout a day.

  • Browse email sites

    With this earning option, you are visiting a website that you have received through an email. The payout for this task is usually 15 credits.

  • Surveys

    At Innocurrent you can earn credits by completing surveys.

  • Simple tasks

Earn money by doing simple tasks as shown in the picture below. The payout varies depending on the task.

Innocurrent ways to earn credits

  • Referral program

    Innocurrent offers the most lucrative referral program in the PTC world. You are getting a very high 120% on every credit that your direct referral earns.

    Also, there is an option to rent referrals for a week paying 400 credits. Even though the rented referrals have a guaranteed activity in the last 7 days I would recommend staying away from them as they rarely are profitable.

Innocurrent pros

  • Stability – Trusted network paying since 2009.
  • Unlimited referrals – You can refer as many members as you can and if you make a big downline you can increase your earnings a lot.
  • No membership restrictions – Members from all countries are welcomed to join for free.
  • Forum – The site has an active and open forum which is always a good sign of credibility for every PTC site.
  • No upgrades – Innocurrent, along with Ayuwage, are the only PTC sites that don’t have any kind of upgrades.
  • High earnings – Compared with other ptc sites Innocurrent offers some of the highest payouts for visiting websites.
  • High referral earningsInnocurrent offers the best referral earnings in the industry. The award percentage is 120% of referral’s earnings.

Innocurrent cons

  • Click fraud – In some cases, members are being forced to click ads in order to get the credits. This may be easily considered as a click fraud and that is not the most ethical way to run an online business.
  • Payment delays –  It may take a month to receive the minimum amount of 5$. That delay might be annoying but in the end, Innocurrent is still paying.
  • Warnings and suspensions – Innocurrent, along with its sister site Ayuwage, are the only PTC sites that have introduced a warning system. If you go over 3 warnings, your account will be permanently suspended along with your earnings. Warnings are accumulated if you do not follow the instructions that we have mentioned before. However, if you do follow the instructions, your warnings will expire 1 by 1 after 24-48 hours.
  • Geo-targeted sites – Members form some countries will have more earning opportunities than others.
  • Not guaranteed sites every day – The sites for browsing are not guaranteed for everyone and you can find days that no sites are available.
  • No admin support – You would be lucky if you get any response from the admin if you have any question.
  • Unprofitable rented referrals – You should avoid rent referrals at Innocurrent as they are mostly a gamble and they will cost you money in the long run.

Summarize – Should you join Innocurrent or not?

Despite the many drawbacks that Innocurret has, we cannot ignore the fact that its a paying site since 2009 with high earnings and with the best referral earning potential. Therefore, we encourage people to join Innocurrent and start making money today.

I hope that you have found my review useful and informative. If so feel free to share it and leave a comment below.


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Author Profile

I am Bill and I am from Greece. I am an active user at many PTC and GPT sites.
Also, I participate in many other online income websites and I am always searching for new earning opportunities. In my posts, you will find info about those opportunities and how I manage to create an income online.


I am Bill and I am from Greece. I am an active user at many PTC and GPT sites. Also, I participate in many other online income websites and I am always searching for new earning opportunities. In my posts, you will find info about those opportunities and how I manage to create an income online.

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